The Taj on Day1 of Clinton's visit
Whoever has managed to impress someone with an accent? All the same, when has that stopped people from making comical displays of bizarre accents! The last straw are the people who choose to do so in public. Huh, imagine what an ordeal it is to hear such people indulging in public speaking! I had to go through one this morning and the fact that our woman was speaking for an NGO she works for made matters all the more hilarious. More than her speech, I was concentrating on the rolling of her tongue at all the odd places that gave her that aao-so-aao-weird-accent!
I looked around to see if others were as annoyed as me but people have a knack for masking their emotions, it seems. It was no way I could believe that the brown woman in a semi-Indian attire had foreign roots. Gaining such a heavy accent in a few years of studies abroad was out of question. Even Katrina Kaif who grew up in 18 countries doesn’t have such an incredible accent, for God’s sake! Maybe I am focusing too much on this lady.
Okay, the other important news is that Hillary Clinton stayed in the Taj for two days. When I was on my usual weekend visit to the Gateway, I was appalled at the security arrangements there. This was before I had read about her visit in the papers. I thought it was one of those terror threats or hoax calls that keep happening in this city. Thank God, it was none of them.
The other thing that happened was an interactive session with Milind Deora (the sitting MP from Mumbai South) in college. I love this young and electric brigade of Gen- Y politicians. Politics seems so much more accessible and cleaner business now. Here was this young man wearing a full sleeves white shirt, black pants and a disarming smile discussing the flaws of the system and his aspirations with the students. So candid and easy going! He seemed one of us even as the girls oohed and aahed at the end of the session. And the most interesting part was that he proposed to organize a trip to the Parliament for us. Ohh…how sweet! I hope we have more politicos like him in the time to come.
PS. I just heard Hillary Clinton on one of her interviews on the T.V and believe me; our woman from the NGO beats her hollow in rolling the tongue!! Tut-tut.
dont like the pic....mine was better.....